Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello, 2016

Today was decent weather and good food, and work on projects. I start my no editing, return to roots project today. I have to admit, I am struggling not editing photographs. You all may be thinking, why am I reading this? Her photos are not good. Bear with me. I am relearning. Now don't get me wrong, I am not typically a heavy editor, but a little clarity here, some saturation there and BAM a good photo. The good part of this process is that I will have to look at my photos and be honest with myself. Really honest. It will hurt. I might cry. But it will make me better, right?

Okay, let's start with this one. I tried a few different compositions before I landed on this one. I actually really like this photo. The color might be a little too vibrant, and I would probably add a vignette. I am a vignette junkie. I try to make them subtle. I need to be stopped.

Camera: Nikon D 7100, F-stop 6.3, ISO 500, focal length 100 mm, exposure time 1.3 sec.

This next one I am surprised that I like. Everything is dead and brown in my backyard. There is a storage facility behind us. I was trying to get what I could out of a sad situation. When I looked at the shot after I took it I thought, "Blah." Looking at it now it has its rustic charm. Changes I would make would be shooting to the left instead of  the right, and taking the empty hummingbird feeder off of the hook so I could include more of the hook.

 Camera: Nikon D7100, F-stop 6.3, ISO 500, focal length 100 mm, exposure time 1/100 sec.

Not bad for Day 1. I feel better about what I am sharing at least. I do not think just editing would make them better photographs, and it will take more practice recognizing what is not quite right (or in some cases what is Oh My What Did I Do? wrong about a photo. What do you think? What are some changes you would make? Keep in mind that inappropriate comments and spam will be filtered out.